FHWA LTPP Guidelines for Measuring Bridge Approach Transitions Using Inertial Profilers

Friday, March 3, 2017 - 16:15

The bump at the end of the bridge has long been studied for highways and railways, yet experts from across the transportation industry continue to identify it as one of the most prevalent substructure factors affecting bridge performance. Often, rideability is a subjective measurement used by transportation departments to define the presence of a bump. User complaints typically drive maintenance schedules. However, the bump is not just an annoyance on the traveling public; the dynamic impact of vehicles resulting from the bump causes distress, fatigue, and long-term damage to the bridge deck. In addition, the bump also causes damage to vehicles and potentially creates an unsafe condition for drivers when this issue is not maintained in a timely manner. This guideline describes the methodology for measuring bridge approach transitions using inertial profilers. Details include bridge sectioning and site information, data collection procedures and data analysis, and reporting approaches. The full report is available from the FHWA web site at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/infrastructure/pavements/ltpp/16072/16072.pdf


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